
Jeremiah 1:4-5  (NKJV)

Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;

Before you were born I sanctified you;

I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”



Pick Up Your Cross

Do you trust God enough to surrender your desires and follow His will? Do you trust that He knows you that well?

As a saved man, you have placed your trust in Christ for your immortal soul. How much easier should it be to place your trust in Him for your mortal life? The results are exciting, but the cost can be dear.

It is clear from Luke 14:25-30 that Christ is not looking for half-hearted followers. He is looking for disciples who are committed personally to Him, beyond anyone and everything else. Reading this verse you can see that He wants you to know that you will have to commit every ounce of your being to Him. Those who are unable to bear their cross or who fail to understand the depth of commitment required will fall away from their mission.

This does not mean that He is looking for those who are strong enough to bear their cross. Take a closer look and you will see that He asks that you bear your cross and come after Him. If you have the will to follow Christ, He has the way and will provide to you the strength, as you fix your eyes upon Him.



Open your heart to the Lord and ask Him to show you where you have not yet surrendered. Thank Him that He knows you so well and ask Him to provide you the strength to follow Him wholeheartedly.


Ask Yourself

Do you trust God to provide you enough strength to bear your cross or do you look for Him to prove Himself before you lift your cross and follow?

Think about the word trust as it relates to God. Where do you fail and succeed in trusting God? What is the difference between trusting Him with your soul as opposed to trusting Him with your earthly life?


Take Action

Make a leap of faith and follow Him in a new way. Witness or serve in a way that you have felt led, but perhaps have put off previously. Pray daily for the strength to follow Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.