
Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

— Ephesians 5:17


Do you know the number one question Americans are asking today? I’ll tell you. People are asking, “What is the purpose of my life here on earth? How can I know God’s will?”

My friend Rick Warren wrote a book a few years ago on this very subject called, The Purpose Driven Life. Not surprisingly, it sold over 22 million copies. And it’s all because it addressed one of the driving questions of our lives: How do we discover God’s will for our lives?

God wants you to know his will. In fact, as human beings, you and I are hardwired to believe in and to pursue the transcendent, that is, something beyond us.

You see, when God created man, he breathed life into him, and the man became a living soul. And that life extended into the conscience and gave man a moral compass by which to live. As a result, we humans are created to be above the animals.

We’re not the product of an evolutionary scale, but we are created in the very image of God! We are made for more than just passion and plumbing. We are made to make a difference in the world!

If you desire to know God, rejoice! God himself placed that desire within you. Pursue him, and you’ll discover his will and purpose for your life.